Is it a Big Deal For Men and Women?
Yes it is!It affects many aspects of your life,but you can by taking a proactive approach with thisStrong, healthy hair begins with the proper nutritional building blocks, and Provillus provides essential minerals and vitamins helpful for hair follicle support, such as Zinc, Magnesium, Biotin and Vitamin B6…which are also essential for immune function, skin and nail health, protein digestion and healthy red blood cells.You want to keep a healthy, full head of hair for as long as possible. Provillus hair loss treatment not only helps you keep the hair you have, it also provides the nutritional support you need to maintain optimum hair growth and normal follicle function so you feel good as well as look good that’s the Provillus difference!Men's Provillus works vitamin B6 has many functions in the body. vitamin B6 is essential for protein and red blood cell metabolism, as well as nervous and immune system function. It helps increase oxygen in hemoglobin and maintains healthy blood sugar levels, and may also improve the body’s ability to withstand stressful conditions.Biotin, a constituent of Vitamin B complex, is a major component in the natural hair manufacturing process essential for new hair growth as well as healthy skin and nails.Magnesium is an essential mineral used by the body to help maintain muscles, nerves, and bones. However many people don’t get enough Magnesium in their diets. It is used in energy metabolism, protein synthesis, and in the bio-synthesis of collagen, which is essential for skin health and elasticity.Zinc is an essential mineral necessary for a healthy immune system and proper functioning of enzymes. Studies suggest that zinc is a potent inhibitor of 5α-reductase activity, and that Vitamin B6 potentiates the inhibitory effect of zinc.Saw Palmetto is a small, slow-growing palm native to southeastern United States. The fruits are a rich source of fatty acids and phytosterols, and have been used to promote urination, and promote prostate health. Clinical studies suggest that Saw palmetto to induce suppression of prostatic DHT levels by inhibiting enzyme 5-alpha reductase.Nettle root is used to support prostate health and is often combined with other herbs, such as saw palmetto. Theoretically, the herb may have benefits in the treatment of hair loss due to its effect on the amount of free active testosterone circulating in the blood.PumpkinEleuthero, formerly Siberian Ginseng, has been used in traditional chinese medicine since about 190 AD. Russian scientific studies suggest that Eleuthero may help the body cope with various types of stress.Uva-Ursi extract also known as bear berry is a natural diuretic and has been extensively used by herbalish. It contains Arbutin, which is hydrolyzed in gastric fluid to hydroquinone.Muria Puama, also called potency wood, is a small tree native to the Brazilian Amazon and other parts of the Amazon rainforest. Brazillians have used it traditionally to reduce hair loss It has been used around the world.Cucurbita Maxima. The oil extract from pumpkin seeds has long been used as hair supplement. The extract has shown activity against testosterone in prostate studies, theoretically this may mean that it would be helpful in reducing hair loss.Dihydrotestostrone DHT is a hormonal byproduct of testosterone that has been shown to shorten the growth phase of hair by retarding follicle growth. While DHT is essential for early development, it can attach to hair follicles as men get older, which causes the follicle to get smaller and smaller, and the hairs to get thinnereventually falling out. The result is fewer visible hairs, and if left untreated, can result in male pattern hair loss Androgenetic Alopecia. Inhibiting DHT formation can help prevent early thinning and hair loss.One easy-to-try option is a shampoo specifically designed to increase the health of existing hair and to reduce the rate of hair loss in both men and women. There are several sources to investigate specific shampoos, research studies which can be accessed to determine the effectiveness of many of these products. Good professional sources include dermatologists and licensed cosmeticians who see hair loss conditions frequently and have had the opportunity to observe the efficacy of a variety of shampoos. As well, an internet Google search will provide hundreds of products, complete with testimony and small research studies.It’s easy to get confused when investigating the hundreds of shampoos available.With some background knowledge of what has shown to be effective in larger, previous studies, however, you can make more intelligent choices about the shampoos you choose for experimentation.And that is the great thing about shampoos they are relatively inexpensive in this maze of hair loss,regrowth methods, so you can try lots of them without breaking your budget!Surfactants,people feel good when their shampoos lather up nicely.Lather, however, is just for psychological effect.Somehow we believe that the more lather a shampoo produces, the cleaner our hair must be getting.Hogwash!the ingredient that causes lather is call a surfactant and does not have cleaning properties. Other ingredients in shampoos actually do the cleaning.Surfactants are, however, pretty harsh, and, for someone who is experiencing more-than-normal hair loss, surfactants should be avoided.There are lots of shampoos out there without it try some.What are it's herbal ingredient's with this shampoo?The most notable herb with some success in hair loss difficulty is Saw Palmetto.Shampoos with this ingredient are certainly worth a try.Saw Palmetto seems to inhibit the production of DHT in men, for example, and DHT causes hair follicles to shrink and close up.Nettle and bay have also been helpful to some people.Shampoos which include these might help you too.It contains with Essential oils,these oils are concentrated ones which come from plants such as lavender.From ancient times, these have been used to stimulate healthy hair and to decrease the rate of hair loss.We know that we have much to learn from early medicine men and healers.Perhaps this is another example.Tea tree oil many swear by this ingredient, and there are several brands of this on the market.So popular are these shampoos, you can find them at most any drug store as well as health product retailers.As an aside, tea tree oil has also been found to be effective in the prevention of head lice infestations.There are no definitive studies to show that shampoos can actually result in regrowth of hair that is caused by what we all permanent conditions, largely the result of heredity and hormones. However, early prevention is important, and experimenting with shampoos during these early stages may provide invaluable help in reducing the rate of loss.

And the good news there is also a Provillus design and formulated for women blend of natural ingredients designed for a woman’s unique needs, to safely promote hair growth by nourishing your hair from the inside out. Is your hair falling in the shower? Do you find yourself combing over the garbage can?Noticing thin or bald spots? You're not alone! Many woman experience anxiety when faced with hair loss.Provillus for women uses a proprietary blend of botanical known for nourishing skin, hair and nails, as well as providing nutritional support for important body functions. A key ingredient is horsetail, an herb used traditionally since ancient Roman and Greek times, and prized by Asian and North American Indian cultures for its rejuvenating properties.For more information visit: