One of the most delicious fruit is,African mango, or bush mango, differs from other mango fruits in that it produces a peculiar seed, which natives of Cameroon refer to as Dikka nuts.For hundreds of years, an extract from the seeds called irvingia gabonensis have been used among Cameroon villagers for its wide-ranging medicinal benefits.Despite the recent frenzy surrounding African Mango and its weight-loss benefits, the fruit has actually been used as a diet aid for centuries in Cameroon, Africa—the only place in the world where African Mango is grown. The brightly colored tropical fruit is found exclusively in Cameroon's west-coastal rain forests.Doctors have long recommended natural solutions for weight loss because they are completely safe and don’t have any of the negative side effects that can harm the body extensively. With African Mango Plus, you get the natural solution doctors prefer with a clinically proven supplement that can help burn body fat. Doctors everywhere want you to lose weight and with African Mango Plus you now have the natural solution to weight loss your doctors recommend.Published in the journal of Lipids in Health and Disease. The study was conducted on 102 people split between those taking the African Mango and those taking the placebo. According to the study taking African Mango resulted in “Significant improvements in body weight, body fat, and waist circumference. African Mango Irvingia gabonensis administered 150 mg twice daily before meals to overweight and/or obese human volunteers favorably impacts body weight and a variety of parameters characteristic of the metabolic syndrome.
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Jan 11, 2011
Remove You Stubborn Fat in Healthy Way
One of the most delicious fruit is,African mango, or bush mango, differs from other mango fruits in that it produces a peculiar seed, which natives of Cameroon refer to as Dikka nuts.For hundreds of years, an extract from the seeds called irvingia gabonensis have been used among Cameroon villagers for its wide-ranging medicinal benefits.Despite the recent frenzy surrounding African Mango and its weight-loss benefits, the fruit has actually been used as a diet aid for centuries in Cameroon, Africa—the only place in the world where African Mango is grown. The brightly colored tropical fruit is found exclusively in Cameroon's west-coastal rain forests.Doctors have long recommended natural solutions for weight loss because they are completely safe and don’t have any of the negative side effects that can harm the body extensively. With African Mango Plus, you get the natural solution doctors prefer with a clinically proven supplement that can help burn body fat. Doctors everywhere want you to lose weight and with African Mango Plus you now have the natural solution to weight loss your doctors recommend.Published in the journal of Lipids in Health and Disease. The study was conducted on 102 people split between those taking the African Mango and those taking the placebo. According to the study taking African Mango resulted in “Significant improvements in body weight, body fat, and waist circumference. African Mango Irvingia gabonensis administered 150 mg twice daily before meals to overweight and/or obese human volunteers favorably impacts body weight and a variety of parameters characteristic of the metabolic syndrome.
Fat Burner
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